Tuesday, November 2, 2021

3 Common Electrical Problems on Boats

Knowing when an electrical component on your boat is failing is both handy and important. You can avoid getting stuck in the middle of the ocean or stranded while on vacation. Electrical problems on boats are not hard to spot, but they can cause some dangerous situations if you don’t know what you’re doing or […]

Monday, November 1, 2021

5 Ways to Stay Safe When Doing Electrical Work

Working with electrics is inherently dangerous and the risk of suffering an electrical shock is particularly concerning. However, certified electricians undertake extensive training to reduce the risk of workplace accidents. To understand the occupational hazards that electricians and construction workers face, take a look at these five ways to stay safe when doing electrical work: […]

Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Brief Introduction to Substation Transformer: Purpose, Calculation and Types

Introduction Before you understand what about substation transformer you should understand the purpose of this power plant. A transformer substation is designed to receive, convert and then distribute energy to consumer loads. The electrical equipment included in it must: Guarantee an uninterrupted supply of electricity. Ensure timely redistribution of power between end loads. Provide for […]

Friday, May 22, 2020

How to Replace a Bathtub Overflow Cover

As a homeowner, one fact you learn quickly is that home improvement projects almost never seem to end. Most of the time something in your home needs to be repaired or replaced: whether the dripping faucet, the gurgling toilet with the flapper that won’t seal unless you jiggle the lever, the light fixture with the […]

How To Protect Outdoor Extension Cord From Rain DIY

If you’re anything like me, you spend a fair bit of time outside working on projects requiring electric power and thus the use of extension cords. You’re also probably very conscious of the risks involved and want to be careful not to hurt yourself or your loved ones in the process. The thought of electrocuting […]

Monday, May 21, 2018

What is Digital Signage? The Complete Guide for Businesses

Today’s electronic sign boards almost seem like something out of yesterday’s science fiction or fantasy movies. You may have been attracted to one of these computerized advertising displays when you visited a local shopping mall, theater, park, or similar public place. These digital signs can display just about any type of media that can be displayed within a traditional web browser. This includes text, graphics, videos, and even feeds from popular social media networks.

The additional benefit of electronic signage over regular Internet advertising is that these signs can be placed in just the right location to catch consumers at a very late stage in the buyer’s journey. With touch screens or feeds from social media, they can even create an interactive experience for your target audience. Because of this, they can get designed for a great variety of solutions.

What are Digital Signs?

A digital sign board consist of a high-resolution display monitor, a computerized device that usually also has Internet access, and software to manage content. Because some of these electronic boards seem so high tech, they might also appear difficult to understand. Actually, they are quite simple. This software is called a content management system, or CMS.

The computerized device may be hooked to the monitor with something as simple as the type of HDMI cable that you can use to hook your own laptop up to your home TV. Of course, commercial electronic display equipment is usually much more robust than the kind of electronics and accessories that you buy to use in your house.

Why Are Businesses Turning to Electronic Signs?

Computerized signs offer many advantages when compare to both print and traditional Internet advertising. This is mostly because they have been demonstrated to do a good job of attracting attention. As a side benefit, they are very easy to maintain.

Why should you consider an electronic sign if you already advertise online? While many web users are starting to see ads on their searches, favorite websites, and social media pages as spam, they aren’t likely to regard electronic boards the same way when they find them in shopping malls, their favorite stores, or even outdoors. In fact, in one recent study, 63 percent of consumers said that digital signs attracted their attention. Most marketers know that their ads don’t usually perform that well.

Why chose an electronic board over a paper one? When compared to posters or cardboard signs, electronic signs win because they can display dynamic content that is very easy to change. In fact, all content can be managed from a remote location, so there is no need to travel to the sign to change it. Furthermore, the sign’s manager can control the display on thousands of these signs from the same console. Finally, you won’t be wasting paper because everything gets displayed online.

Are Electronic Signs Effective?

These dynamic and attention-getting electronic billboards are attracting attention away from other marketing channels. They can be used to provide information, advertise sales, and even entertain. Companies and other organizations are discovering hundreds of uses for dynamic signs, and you are bound to figure out some for yourself.

The post What is Digital Signage? The Complete Guide for Businesses appeared first on Work Best Electric.


5 Steps to Save Money on Air Conditioning and Lower AC Bills

Did you know that proper air conditioning repair can save you a large amount of money? When your system is maintained and repaired by professionals, it will operate at peak performance, which will allow you to save plenty of money on your electric bills. This is no small matter, because people in the United States pay more than a tremendous $11 billion each and every year on electrical bills directly related to air conditioning use.

Rather than suffer and do without air-conditioning entirely, you can curb your output and lower your air conditioning bills by following these five air conditioning repair, maintenance and use tips which will lower your bills and protect the longevity of your entire HVAC system. If you’d like help to implement these tips, simply call 24 hour electricians near me to upgrade your system.

#1: Pick up the phone and call a professional air conditioning repair and maintenance company

This is by far the most important step that you can take if you want to lower your energy consumption and the utility bills that come with that waste. An air conditioning repair company will be able to provide you with thorough maintenance into your HVAC system regularly and with great consistency. By allowing these professionals to service your air conditioner in the manner that a family physician looks after the health of your household, you will get excellent results and make your system less costly overall.

Since you are leaving it in the hands of professionals, you will be able to pay a small and reasonable amount of money, but kick back and reap the benefits of saving a tremendous amount of money on both your utility bills and the potential cost of expensive air conditioning repairs.

#2: Buy the right filters for your air-conditioning system and change them frequently

Your air conditioning filter is the smallest and least expensive component to your air conditioner, but it also has the greatest effect on the output of your air conditioner. When you let your filters become too clogged, what happens is that your air conditioner will have to work overtime in order to get the same output. When this happens, you can almost guarantee that you will see tremendous increases in your utility bills, which can be too much for many people to afford.

Rather than taking it up with the electrical company, you can control so much of this right in the comfort of your own home by taking it upon yourself to change out your filters more regularly. A good guideline indicates that you should change your filters once per month or quarterly, depending on the type of air conditioning system that you have. Make sure that you always find the right size filter and opt to go with eco-friendly models for best results.

#3: Remain cognizant of the way that you use your air conditioning system

You will surely be in need of air conditioner repairs if you haphazardly run your system. Instead of keeping your system running at all times, you need to take inventory of the way that you use your air conditioner, and cut out any and all waste. If the temperatures outside are not unbearably hot, you may do well to simply open a window or run a ceiling fan to cool off, as opposed to running your air conditioner into the ground.

Further, if you install a programmable thermostat for your air conditioning system, you can better regulate the output overall, so that your HVAC system is not creating a burden to your home. This will work wonders in lowering your energy bills and keeping your system running at higher levels.

#4: Clean off the exterior components of your air conditioning system as well

When people think of air conditioning repairs, they mostly refer to the interior components. However, so much of the driving force of your air conditioning system takes place outside. Because of this, you should be diligent about this output and make sure that you are cleaning the coils of your exterior air conditioning system so that it is not building up grime and grunge that will make your whole system work too hard.

Make sure that you keep this exterior AC unit free of grass, trees, branches and other growth that will get in the way and become problematic to its operation. You should also invest in a cleaning solution like WD-40 to clean and lubricate the blades and rotors so that your system can continuously work hard.

#5: Keep your air ducts unobstructed

So much gunk can build up inside of your home’s interior air ducts. This will create problems to your entire air conditioning system. As opposed to letting this buildup occur, you should clean out your air ducts at least once per year or call in an air conditioning repair professional who can do the job for you. An air conditioning repair contractor will likely also apply anti-mold cleaning agents which can keep your house safe and sound from respiratory issues as well.

With these five tips, you will never have to worry about your air conditioner being wasteful. Put these five tips into action and call up an air conditioning repair professional who you can trust to get the job done right away.

The post 5 Steps to Save Money on Air Conditioning and Lower AC Bills appeared first on Work Best Electric.
